3 patient scenarios,
different clinical approaches

Immediate? Fixed? Interdisciplinary?

Taking clinical decisions that best safeguard a patient’s wellbeing is at the core of your everyday work. In general, decisions aren’t always crystal clear or “good” or “bad”; based on a multitude of factors you decide to opt for one approach. But how would others deal with it?

Learn from experienced clinicians how they approach the same patient scenario in different ways and share your own opinion.

3 patient scenarios, Different clinical approaches

For each patient you must consider a multitude of factors to make a treatment decision. With the introduction of modern technologies and the growing evidence base, some of these factors change over time. Immediate or conventional? Fixed or removable? Interdisciplinary?

Based on the same patient scenarios, experienced clinicians present their decision-making processes and explain how they implement their approaches. The cases will cover common indications in implant dentistry: single posterior site, single anterior site, and full-arch rehabilitation.


16:30 Welcome
16:35 Opening, introduction to symposium Chairs:
- Sonia Leziy (Canada)
- André Chen (Portugal)
16:50 Meet patient Monica (lower molar with root fracture)
16:55 How to treat Monica? Approach 1 Gabor Tepper (Austria)
17:20 How to treat Monica? Approach 2 Jeanette Chua (Malaysia)
17:45 Discussion round
18:05 Meet patient Richard (upper central incisor with internal resorption)
18:10 How to treat Richard? Approach 1 Julia Wittneben (Switzerland)
18:35 How to treat Richard? Approach 2 Luiz Otávio Camargo (Brazil)
19:00 Discussion round
19:20 Conclusion
16:30 Introduction to symposium day 2 Chairs:
- André Chen (Portugal)
- Sonia Leziy (Canada)
16:40 Meet patient David
Lower terminal dentition and moderately atrophic mandible
16:45 How to treat David? Approach 1 Paolo Casentini (Italia)
17:10 How to treat David? Approach 2 Said Sánchez (Mexico)
17:35 How to treat David? Approach 3 Helena Francisco (Portugal)
18:00 How to treat David? Approach 4 Todd Engel (USA)
18:25 Discussion round
19:00 Conclusion

What you can expect from this symposium

Different clinicians mean different perspectives. For single posterior, single anterior and full-arch patient scenarios, experienced colleagues will explain how they come to a treatment plan, how they get the patient’s buy-in and how they carry out the treatment in practice. Would you have taken the same decision? Take the opportunity to listen, ask and learn for possible inclusion in your own decision-making process.

You will have the opportunity to share your opinion, and there will be a discussion between chairs and speakers.


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Click on the speakers for more information.